Thursday, November 30, 2006

a good provider

a good provider, originally uploaded by are okaye.

great colors

Wren Rendezvous Collage

Wren Rendezvous Collage, originally uploaded by foftychel.

These bird collages are beautiful.

Bird collages for sale

Poppy Quilt Fini

Poppy Quilt Fini, originally uploaded by mariewise.

The combination of the abstract squares and the poppies is really cool.

nsri charity auction

nsri charity auction, originally uploaded by senyol.

I like this one. It's a very compelling abstract. It kind of reminds me of one of my favorite painters Stuart Davis when I look at it small but much less like him close up.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Stage, originally uploaded by gbalogh.

Along College St. W. near Bathurst St. - Toronto, Canada

I walk down College Street a lot and I always enjoy this painting. It's outside a bar.

I like that in the photo the man on the street is a similar size to the painted figures.

This part of College Street is an Italian neighborhood that has a lot of new and trendy bars.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

my elephant garden

my elephant garden, originally uploaded by MEOMI.

I love the tiny elephants inside and those unusual plants that she is watering. What a fun and intricate drawing it is.

Friday, November 10, 2006

La Peste

La Peste, originally uploaded by Paula Wirth.

I enjoy the cover art on a lot of old books. What I most like about this one is all the rats silhouetted in the forground.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

watercolor portrait

watercolor portrait, originally uploaded by my paintings.

A very striking portrait.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

a perfect match

a perfect match, originally uploaded by uihero.

The colors are great in this. It reminds me of stained glass.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Holiday Motel

holidayMotel, originally uploaded by gregmeyer.

I love old style signs like this one.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Winter tale

1999082201, originally uploaded by HungryForester.

I love the colors and light in this. Looking at it makes me want to climb to the top of that hill. I also like the way the trees are drawn. It's almost an animation style, at least it reminds me of those old cartoons that have great backgrounds.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

In my hand

In my hand, originally uploaded by Dancing Fish.

Painted on glass!

Saturday, November 04, 2006


cuba, originally uploaded by Sylf.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Pomegranate and Passionfruit

Pomegranate and Passionfruit, originally uploaded by Marit Cooper.

I especially love the way the little pomegranate seed housings look with their little empty spots for the seeds to go in. I'm very partial to pomegranates in any case, to look at or eat.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

oil on canvas: "waiting for night"

This is an oil painting that looks a lot like acrylic. I wonder why the artist uses oil. Looking at this makes me think about painting my walls purple and the ceiling lavender. This is pretty much what I envisioned my ideal studio to be like when I was growing up.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

portrait of a girl with red tulip

portrait of a girl with red tulip, originally uploaded by bbmarie.

An amazing portrait. It reminds me of a book I had when I was little of these colonial American portraits painted by traveling portrait painters. It was a book I really liked, I enjoyed going through it and taking a long time to look at all the pictures and the things that were put in the background.

This artist has a lot more work that I am enjoying looking at, in diferent styles. He has a great art blog, very thoughtful and captivating images.

Click here to see Rick Beerhorst's blog.