Sunday, December 23, 2007

Lord & Taylor 1941Catalog -p160

Lord&Taylor1941-p160, originally uploaded by Al Q.

I love the way these cats are drawn, especially the one at the scratching post.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Rise & Fall

Rise & Fall, originally uploaded by limón-art.

I'm fascinated by these paintings, very intricate and so much stuff to look at in each one and the elements all work together so well.

You can see more of the artist's work on his web page Limon-Art

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Never Learns

Never Learns, originally uploaded by alida saxon.

Kitty never learns not to bite those cords! If you click on the picture there is info to order prints.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Marc Chagal ceiling, Paris Opera House

Monday, December 17, 2007

Two Cardinals Winter Sketch

Two Cardinals Winter Sketch, originally uploaded by ADrawingADay.

I thought this was a really cute, simple design. You can order prints of it online at cafe press:

Two Cardinals

The artist is doing a drawing a day and has some great stuff in her flickr pool too: A Drawing a Day.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Flying Cat

flyingcat, originally uploaded by kotpani.

Amazing paper mache sculpture

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Després de l'aiguat - Amsterdam

I thought this was a painting at first, but it's a photo. Amazing light!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Louis Wain, An Amazing Cat Artist

Louis Wain was an artist who painted the most splendid cats. Many of them are endowed with human qualities, they wear clothes and do human activities yet they maintain a strong quality of feline in their expressions. He was a very popular artist in his day, and was president of the National Cat Club. He was active in various cat related charities.

An Intruder, originally uploaded by Jane Diamond.

Louis Wain had a difficult life. Like many artists he was no businessman and was frequently underpaid for his work. Often he sold the rights to a painting outright instead of getting royalties on it. When he was twenty his father died and he was left as the sole support of his mother and sisters. He was always eccentric but in his fifties he started to show signs of schizophrenia and was hospitalized in a charity hospital.

Which one do I love, originally uploaded by Melsky.

He kept up his cat artwork and the people at the hospital realized he was Louis Wain the cat artist. A collection was taken up, and he spent his last years in a nicer hospital which had a garden and cats.

Wallpaper Cat, originally uploaded by Melsky.

His work is often studied by psychiatrists because it changed so markedly during his mental illness.

Blue Cat by Louis Wain, originally uploaded by Jane Diamond.

He is one of my biggest inspirations artistically. I would love to own one of his paintings! They make me so happy to look at.

Links - the first two are books

Louis Wain - The Man Who Drew Cats

A Cat Compendium: The Worlds Of Louis Wain

Louis Wain Entry on Wikipedia

Catland: The Art of Louis Wain

Henry Boxer Gallery presents the Art of Louis Wain

Louis Wain's Catland on Flickr

Cat Fancier's Association article on Louis Wain

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Forest Products

DSCN8618-, originally uploaded by thekateblack.

As an artist I've noticed that the things that get the most attention are often the last to sell. Sometimes it's obvious why when they are the most oddball flashy things but sometimes they are the most "normal" and the most sellable. That was true when I did craft fairs and now that I've been pretty much exclusively online it's still true. I'll put something up on flickr and etsy and a million people look at it and exclaim about it, and then it just sits in the store while things I didn't think would sell fly off the digital shelves.

I was reminded of this when I saw a post on the Etsy LiveJournal group about a really cool notebook that garnered the most attention but was the only one that didn't sell. I love it! It's made from a damaged children's book from the 1960s and all the little leaves have written on them various products that are made out of trees.

Forest Products Journal on Etsy

retablo: thanks for the smell of coffee

I just love the colors on this one!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

WPA October Library Poster

Isn't this a cool poster? I should have been writing this blog in October! But I'd been taking a little break.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Paradise Lost #156

Paradise Lost #156, originally uploaded by Richard Mullins.

I'm really enjoying this whole series of Paradise Lost paintings by Richard Mullins, an artist I found on flickr. I like the subject matter, it's all the kind of stuff I grew up with, things like liquor stores and tvs and abandoned taco stands. I'm a sucker for anything abandoned.

Abandoned City #136, originally uploaded by Richard Mullins.

You can view the Paradise Lost series here

His works and others at Blah Blah Gallery

Or check out his personal site here: The Art of Richard Mullins

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Tea Time of Cats

Tea Time of Cats, originally uploaded by rookicco.

This is so cool!

Monday, December 03, 2007

"The Sleeping Cat" by Jane Diamond

Well, I've been neglecting this blog again, but I thought I would give a link to one of my favorite cat artists, Jane Diamond. I hope to do a profile of her here on this blog later but for now, check out her art on etsy

Jane Diamond Designs

also availalble at "Wigglyville Pet Boutique" at 3337 N. Broadway in Chicago, IL.

I love the way she paints cats, and she's also a big fan of Victorian Cat art, including one of my favorites, Louis Wain. She's got a great collection of his art on her Louis Wain Collection on Flickr.